Empathy Maps


In order to create products that deliver significant value to our fans we need to develop a deep understanding of our users and the different fan segments that they fit into. 

To develop this holistic view of our fans the UX team led workshops to create Empathy Maps and Personas, which analysed fans’ attitudes, behaviors and pain points. The aim of this process is to provide insights for the AFL to improve our products and cater to our changing market. 

We have identified 8 personas to represent our different segments: Fanatic, Armchair, Casual Fan, Auskick, AFLW Supporter, Auskick Parent, New Fan, Northern Market. 

To further develop this understanding we will be engaging other teams within the AFL to provide additional insights and detail, whilst conducting user interviews with the different fan segments to gather more qualitative data. 


Australian Football League (AFL)



Programs & tools

Sticky notes


UX Workshop


We spent 15-20 minutes going over the fan basis and explaining what Empathy maps were to the team. This was a new exercise for the majority of them. They then broke into teams of 3 and worked across 2 of the personas per team. 

As a facilitator of the workshops I floated between the rooms to ensure I could answer any questions necessary. I made sure to split the people that had experience with these exercises amongst the groups. 

After 30 minutes each group had finished one of the personas, so we went room by room where they presented their findings. We encouraged questions to be asked and additional pain points / solutions to be identified. After the first empathy map and seeing the others, they were much more confident for the second persona. 

All up the workshop took around 2 hours for 12 people to complete.

Conclusion + Take Aways

This was a great exercise to do with the team as it really helped the developers and product team to gain a greater insight into our users. We were able to identify some immediate opportunities to address some of the pain points.